Fragments of Light

Monthly Archives: April 2015

Sacred Space ​and the Apprehension of Meaning, Part Two

A church is a recognition, in stone and wood and brick, of spiritual awakenings. It nods, to each individual person. If the building has been created within a cultural and religious tradition, it constitutes a collective memory of spiritual insights, of thousands of mystical moments. A church reminds us of what we have known. And it tells us that the possibility of the door swinging open again remains.
—Margaret Viss​e​r, The Geometry of Love, Space,Time, Mystery and Meaning in an Ordinary Church

It is interesting to note that no word of explanation, accompanying text, or lecturer at the podium is necessary for a faithfully inhabited house of worship to speak to those who enter it. Certainly this is God’s business; God, to whom the very stones will cry out were all else silent​. When we intentionally house the mystical in our own work we may also serve the viewer/listener/reader by not only providing the doors in but by also standing back a bit from the threshold to allow those doors to swing open whither they will.
​Comments welcome​.