Fragments of Light

Monthly Archives: January 2014

Epiphanies of Beauty

In his 1999 Letter to Artists, His Holiness Pope John Paul II addresses his remarks:

To all who are passionately dedicated
to the search for new “epiphanies” of beauty
so that through their creative work as artists
they may offer these as gifts to the world.

“passionately dedicated to the search for new ‘epiphanies’ of beauty . . . “

Whence come the visions, euphonies, and brilliant flashes of insight that stop us in our tracks, leave us speechless, and call us out of ourselves? Unbidden, unannounced, and unconstrained these epiphanies come to us all from time to time. When we take up a creative task, however, we become the seekers, the listeners at the keyhole, the scouts about the haunts of mystery.

What is this work of searching? Is it about the labor of flinging wide the portals; the fidelity of setting down what is brought to our attention; or the faithful marking and following of trails? If Beauty is a grace that rather than being sought seeks after us, then what role have we to play? Are we the pursuers or is it Beauty who gives ” unhurrying chase”?