Mount Tabor Talks
The Mount Tabor Centre for Art and Spirituality offers a series of talks given by Mons Timothy Verdon and Dr. Filippo Rossi.
This series began in January 2021, at a time when institutions everywhere needed to be especially creative in communicating their message. For the Mount Tabor Centre, whose work in making, exhibiting and interpreting the visual arts in light of the faith in Christ, these online lectures and discussions allowed this message to become available to a broader number of people and larger audience.
In the spirit of its international conferences and art exhibitions in Italy and the USA in recent years, the Centre offers a series of lectures by Mons. Timothy Verdon, Director of the Cathedral Museum of Florence and Academic Director of Mount Tabor, and by Dr Filippo Rossi, Instructor in art at the Stanford University program in Florence and Mount Tabor’s Art Director. This series, offers a combination of lectures and discussions, via ZOOM, for both the artist and art aficionado. The talks, which were offered Jan 2021- December 2021, included projection of images and video as well as live Question and Answer interchange.